Visceral manipulation: a deeper level to healing
I went into visceral manipulation course hoping to learn another way for clients then having to take so many supplements and pharmaceuticals. The obvious hope of learning in my first course focusing on the abdomen was how to help the drainage pathways so patients and athletes could eliminate inflammation and inflammatory pathogens that create musculoskeletal pain. The reason most clients end up in front of me.
Secretly, I thought to myself what kind of black magic am I about to learn. My first instructor was the MOST AMAZING instructor I have ever had. The room was filled with established, like minded practitioners, seeking another way to help people heal deeper. It is a requirement to have a specific level of degree/ license in order to take these continuing education courses. The instructor asked for specific movement limitations and called those practitioners with those restricted movements to the front of the room. We would decide collectively as a group who displayed the most restricted movement and the instructor would demo the technique on that person. Then we would reassess and find no restricted movement afterwards. It’s crazy & fascinating to think how the kidney connects to the opposite shoulder, same hip, knee, ankle bone & big toe.
Visceral manipulation is a gentle manual therapy modality that “assesses the structural relationships between the viscera (organs), and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the various systems in the body. It assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, eliminatory, neuroendocrine and lymphatic dysfunction”. Pretty remarkable right? Neural manipulation is a “light-touch hands-on treatment that releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, changes the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns. It enhances proper functioning of the nervous system – one of the communication highways throughout the body”. With a problematic joint, we can also assess all aspects of restrictions of the joint including the nerve, artery, bone, capsule, and ligaments, as well as visceral and emotional connections and help the body integrate those connections”.
Through the creator, Jean-Pierre Barral’s, work in clinic and a dissection lab he was able to experiment with visceral manipulation (VM) techniques and see the internal effects of the manipulations. He went on to establish, incorporate and teach vascular and neural manipulation techniques as well. He has said "we know so little; only the tissues know." We can think as therapists we know what to do to help a patient, but it is only when we put our hands on the person that the tissues then show us what is needed. And I have seen this to be true in my practice with AMAZING outcomes.
We do not learn in school much about fascia. What I have learned has been post masters degree. Sure there are fascial trains & planes, but there is deeper fascia that has musculoskeletal, vascular and neural connections.
Once you understand how to listen to the body’s lines of pull and assess general and specific restrictions you can help the body unravel, integrate and correct imbalances. Then retest those restrictive movement patterns and watch patients and clients amazed. If you want to have your mind blown, schedule a session and feel it for yourself. The body will integrate the work over the next 2-3 weeks assuming there is no additional input given to the body. It will begin to restore vascular and neural connections.
All of your organs and tissues have a known motion we refer to as motility. As a physical therapists, we spend a lot of time teaching muscles and joints how to move properly and sequence. I always explain it like this: in embryonic development, the organs begin in midline. As the fetus grows, the organs grow away from midline. Every organ should have movement away from midline (filling) and towards midline (emptying). Just like every nerve and vascular structure should glide through, under and over tissues. When they do not have movement towards or away from midline, there is an energetic, emotional and/ or psychological connection. I provide a resource after we work an organ that provides nutritional, physical, emotional and psychological care. If the body showed us the restriction, it means that is the area of the body that is harboring the most energy. This is where the body is struggling the most. We can guide the body to release the physical restriction gently and restore the motility (movement towards and away from midline). If it was a limitation away from or towards midline, that is simple and the body was asking for our guidance. However, when the limitation is away from and towards midline sometimes the body is holding onto an emotional connection and it needs you to be with it. Not fix it. The body is ready for you to be with it, allow it to feel safe to release it. Sometimes it looks like tracking thought patterns with you asking the body what it wants you to know until you have an ah ha moment. Other times, there is an emotional release that transpires. This is a much deeper level of healing.
I am blessed to have clients that trust me and are seeking an integrative approach. When we incorporate visceral, vascular and neural manipulation into their treatment or wellness plan, the body begins to heal at a much deeper level. Imagine all of your body systems beginning to have input and motility how much better you feel. Now imagine how much better your performance and recovery would be as an athlete!
This is what clients had to say when I asked how they would describe it to a friend of family member:
“Gentle, intuitive manipulation of the body that aligns organs. It is relaxing. And restorative.”
“Jen uses a gentle hands on approach to “listen” to what my body is communicating. She is able to determine what’s restricted and gently release it. It feels like she’s connecting the dots within my body, so that the various systems and organs can communicate with each other clearly. ”
“It’s kind of difficult to comprehend that the subtle manipulations you do can make such an impact. It’s very gentle and not at all painful. Progress is slow due to the amount of work to be done to address my specific needs but I think the potential long term benefits are worth the effort. For me there aren’t usually noticeable results, but there have been times during appointments when I felt an immediate release of fluids and pain relief. I look at it as another tool that will work in combination with other therapies, supplements, sauna, etc to move me forward on my wellness journey.”
“Jen uses her vast knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the body to see where restrictions are located and then gives you ways to support your body (emotionally, mentally, physically) to continue to move the body into unrestricted healing and health.”
“The intricacies and inter related systems of my body has become soooo much clearer I work...or don’t work! Management of those systems (me) in a human, compassionate way is not ez. Jen is a wonderful coach in that respect. Tying the muscular world and (autonomic) nervous system ( sort of body/mind) is where we are able to interface w other therapies I am actively engaged with and so, I am getting a huge piece with Jen’s practice in my more holistic practice of integration. It is very expansive physical therapy work...perfect for where I am at in my life!”
Reading these responses again fills my cup. My skillset has only grown because of the journey God put me on.
This is not medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare practitioner(s) for medical advise and what is best for your care. The purpose of this blog is to centralize and share information while connecting with others.