Environmental Exposure Coach
Root Cause Practitioner
Environmental Exposure Coach and Root Cause Practitioner
1:1 virtual or in person
$175/ hour
Jen has a special interest in working with you and your care team to get to the root of the dysfunction. She will take a deep dive into integrative, functional medicine and systemic inflammatory clues.
We examine your past medical history in depth. We will discuss drainage pathways (with special consideration to bowel movement, lymphatic system and craniosacral rhythm), gut health, bile movers, food sensitivities, clues from your skin, resting tongue posture, oral/ airway dysfunction, vocal cord dysfunction, autonomic nervous system and more. We will assess movement to look for any areas of restrictions where your body may be stuck and release these connections with manual techniques and/ or movement.. We will analyze labs and look into any potential triggers contributing towards inflammation, while working alongside your care team. We can offer mineral taste testing, saliva pH testing, urine analysis and manual muscle testing/ applied kinesiology testing to help determine root cause and treatment options. We will teach you how to discover triggers and helpers, use movement, self massage, herbs, food, food preparation, nasal spray, mouth rinses, suggest personal care products, biohacking and more resources to aid what your body needs move forward into healing.
Can you order labs and testing?
We can ask your provider to order specific labs or I can assist and order specific tests and test kits through Vibrant America/ Vibrant Wellness, Great Plains Laboratories, Microbiology Dx & Envirobiomics.
Questionnaire for BioToxin exposure or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)?
I would be happy to email you a questionnaire from my secure electronic medical record system: Contact me to request
How do I test for Toxic Mold Exposure (mycotoxins)/ Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)?
You will likely need someone to help interpret results and there are a variety of tests for your body and environment. Some of the testing companies for your body come with a physician consultation. You may want to test your environment for mycotoxins, endotoxins and gram positive bacteria. I do not profit off of any of the companies listed below. I do have a business account with Vibrant Wellness and Envirobiomics that can offer a discounted rate to help offset the expense of this journey you did not stumble across on purpose. I can help direct you as needed:
1) Vibrant Wellness
2) Real Time Labs
3) Great Plain Laboratory
4) Lab work for CIRS: click here for Shoemaker Protocol Labs
5) Visual Contrast Sensitivity Eye Exam: click here to learn more
use my name in the drop down menu as referring provider if you would like me to have access to your VCS test
1) Envirobiomics: click here
Reach out for 10% discount code
2) Mycometrics: click here
3) Immunolytics: click here
4) local Environmental Inspector (message me for more information)
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Everything you need to know in my blog: click here to read my blog entry: Exercise intolerance and fatigue, should you test VEGF?
Food and Water Contamination Handout
Schedule and integrative session if you want to learn more about how to improve your health.
Clients have a lifetime discount and access to my Fullscript and Doctors Supplement Store for protocols and favorites
We discuss proper air and water filtration options
We can test or track possible food, personal care and environmental triggers and helpers
Manual Muscle Test/ Applied Kinesiology test to determine what supplements, herbs, personal care products will help bring your body forward into healing
Movement analysis to determine where your body is harboring the most energy and may be struggling with a restriction from fascial, vascular, neural, musculoskeletal or emotional stuck point
Educate proper resting tongue posture
Assess for oral and airway breathing dysfunction (including palate, fascial restrictions, tongue/ lip ties, TMJ, esophagus/ vascular restrictions and cervical spine) and educate how to correct
Review vocal cord and breathing exercises to help with shortness of breath, strengthen parasympathetic bandwidth and correct vocal cord dysfunction
Improve gut health and bowel movements to eliminate inflammation
Improve heart rate variability (HRV)
Mast cell Activation Symptoms are Prevalent in Long Haul
Research article: click here for research article
Protocol Recommendation: click here to visit FullScript store-> protocol-> Long Haul
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS): what do I need to know?
Go to my Instagram guide for tests and resources: click here to learn more
Low Histamine Food List
Mast Cell 360 (also includes key for lectins and oxalates): click here for food list
Low Histamine Recipes
Go to my Pinterest page: click here for recipes
“In the 15 years I have been taking anti-seizure meds, you are the first person to educate me on the importance of the blood brain barrier so they can do their job effectively. WOW.
I REALLY appreciate you helping me formulate a plan. I am working on a timing schedule with meds, supplements and food to avoid competition for the blood brain barrier.”
“You are a miracle worker. Or most intuitive person! EVER! The little area on the top of my foot with bad eczema is SO much better!!
I am back on the horse and this is the best my body has felt in years since my abdominal surgery.