“The body leaves clues.”
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will hurt you
Verbiage is important not just in the physical therapy world but in all professions.
Let’s first tackle a misconception from our medical community. Your spine, hips, SI joint are not out of place. They do not need realignment unless they are dislocated. This would mean that you experienced trauma or have significant hypermobility connective tissue dysfunction, like Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS).
Visceral manipulation: a deeper level to healing
I went into visceral manipulation course hoping to learn another way for clients then having to take so many supplements and pharmaceuticals. The obvious hope of learning in my first course focusing on the abdomen was how to help the drainage pathways so patients and athletes could eliminate inflammation and inflammatory pathogens that create musculoskeletal pain. The reason most clients end up in front of me.
Our bodies are miraculous healing machines
If you asked that girl in the second photo if she ever thought she’d see the girl in the 4th, she’d say only in her dreams. This is my healing journey, understanding and recognizing our bodies are miraculous healing machines…
Hierarchy of Healing
When you think of healing do you consider your body’s hierarchy of needs?
If we are not considering all of the systems and the body as a whole, we are not serving our clients very well. Once the body feels safe, it will begin to heal.
I always say, “the body leaves clues”.
I don’t want to settle for a broken healthcare system
My hope is that collectively by sharing information and my journey that we can elevate our current sick care system and make changes so that we actually support providing health care. I truly believe lives could change.
Saddle Sores…
The unspoken truth about saddle sores using my experience as a criterium racer, professional bike fitter, working alongside other racers, physical therapist and root cause practitioner…
Drainage pathways made simple
How do we take something that has been made so complex and break it down to understand it?
Think of the drains in your house. The kitchen sink drains down to the basement or under the home (think lymphatic system). Gravity helps. What if something is too big or greasy for the sink to break down? The garbage disposal and soap help (just like the liver and gallbladder).
How to solve the root cause of your foot pain
I work with feet often both as a physical therapist and as a bike fitter. If I had a dollar for every time a patent or client told me they have a hot spot on their foot or it goes numb, I’d be pretty rich. So let us simplify how to identify a root cause and remedy this situation.
Let’s think root cause approach, where is the pain or discomfort coming from?
How I began my journey as an Integrative Health Practitioner
I am learning that there are many other people out there struggling with different health challenges as I walk this journey recovering from the effects of toxic mold. The one thing that we all have in common is the desire to help others, the necessity to self-advocate and the feeling of isolation.
An important component missing…
“So what if we didn’t slap bandaids and started paying attention to clues the body was leaving to determine the root cause?”