“The body leaves clues.”
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will hurt you
Verbiage is important not just in the physical therapy world but in all professions.
Let’s first tackle a misconception from our medical community. Your spine, hips, SI joint are not out of place. They do not need realignment unless they are dislocated. This would mean that you experienced trauma or have significant hypermobility connective tissue dysfunction, like Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS).
Electrolytes and Minerals… what you need to know
The question of the week is what is the best source to use for safe, effective electrolyte & mineral replacements.
Did you know many companies use citric acid in their performance products?
Did you know citric acid is typically sourced from a fungus, Aspergillus niger?
Before I had a significant environmental exposure, I did not know any of this. Why would I have a reason to? In an effort to keep my own and other patients toxic load low, I have done a huge amount of research and reaching out to companies to ask about sourcing protocols.