“The body leaves clues.”
Everyone is looking for the quick fix
When it comes to health & healing, I get a lot of questions about one muscle group, a supplement, a book, or a nervous system exercise. There is likely no one thing is going to heal you (especially if the issue is chronic). Just like it is not just one part of your body that was injured. You have to heal the whole.
Injury and Inflammation: M.E.A.T. versus R.I.C.E.
No, we are not talking about food. We are talking about how to treat an acute injury and inflammation. So, let us get back to basics…
To stretch or not to stretch…
The weather began to warm and whether you hit the ground running or you were at the end of your spring sport season and wore your body down, you are most likely recovering. As you are progressing from that spring time strain, my patients have asked “to stretch or not to stretch????”