“The body leaves clues.”
Everyone is looking for the quick fix
When it comes to health & healing, I get a lot of questions about one muscle group, a supplement, a book, or a nervous system exercise. There is likely no one thing is going to heal you (especially if the issue is chronic). Just like it is not just one part of your body that was injured. You have to heal the whole.
How to solve the root cause of your foot pain
I work with feet often both as a physical therapist and as a bike fitter. If I had a dollar for every time a patent or client told me they have a hot spot on their foot or it goes numb, I’d be pretty rich. So let us simplify how to identify a root cause and remedy this situation.
Let’s think root cause approach, where is the pain or discomfort coming from?
Selecting proper footwear for function and fitness
The feet are the foundation on which we stand. Supporting our bony and soft tissue structure should be a priority.
There are 26 bones and 33 joints in the foot and ankle that are all made to bend and move upon one another. When you stiffen one portion (because your big toe has become a bunion or you add a hard and rigid insole), another part of your body will pay the price due to compensatory strategies. Your arch was made to support your hip and knee structure and alignment. Make sure you are in the right hands with a physical therapist helps you address the whole body (holistically).
Sandal season and foot pain…
‘Tis the season for foot pain… coincidence, I think not.
There are a few things you can do to help avoid plantar fasciitis (bottom of the foot pain) and achilles tendon inflammation.